Sunday, November 22, 2009

Groped..Felt Up...Violated...Whatever You Wanna Call it!!!

WHOA! That's all I can say about last night lol...

My friend Ashley and I decided we wanted to go iceskating (which did in fact end up being really fun). Well, we were at the college dorms about ready to leave and when we walked downstairs to the commons a bunch of other people in the dorm were sitting there talking. They asked us where we were going and when we told them iceskating this guy Cody decides he wants to tag along. I figured it'd be ok since both Ashley and I have boyfriends and Cody has a girlfriend....So, we get to the rink, lace up our skates, and start skating....Well, I hadn't been iceskating since Thanksgiving of 08 so I was a little scared at first and very wobbly. There was one point where I was about to fall down and Cody and Ashley immediately caught my arms to prevent that from happening....RIGHT after they saved me, all of a sudden I feel Cody's hand slide over to my chest, it stops, and then he squeezes!! YES...HE SQUEEZED MY BOOB! Then all of a sudden he lets go and is laughing saying "sorry, I didn't mean to grope you." But people I know very well that he DID mean to grope me!!! It wasn't some accidental thing where my boob is what he happened to grab when I was falling and he was tring to catch me...NO...I was standing up straight already and was totally fine then WHAM..Mr.Frisky Fingers decides to pull one on me...SICK......

Other than that, the iceskating was fun, Ashley and I plan on going quite a bit, and I'm looking forward to that :)....

OH YEAH!!!! Today I got another calling in church and I am soooo excited for it! About two months ago I was called as a teacher in the Relief Society (so far that calling has been working out great :D) and today I was extended another calling which is to be a Sunday School/Gospel Doctrine teacher! I am so grateful for it!!!! I'm a little nervous just because I've never taught this stuff before and a lot of it I myself don't even know, but, I know that my Heavenly Father will help me through it and that I am going to grow and learn so much!!! :) are some pics from the "photo shoot" Ashley and I had during the day and then iceskating last night :)


  1. SICK!! I would have slapped him haha That's sort of funny though. Did you not know this guy??

  2. No I barely met him THAT night!!! ICK!!!!

  3. Okay that is GROSS...egh he so totally intentionally grazed the boob. No guy accidently does it unless it is really obvious it wasn't intentional.

    Hopefully you recovered!

    The Girls
